Monday, March 9, 2015

Can I turn this day around? The beginning of the terrible two's.

I've been pretty busy and stressed all last week (which is why I haven't posted in a while).
It finally got too much 9:20am and I've given up on today, I put my lovey child in her room with the laptop to watch Yo Gabba Gabba and locked the cat out of my room.
We got up at 7:30 am and said good-bye to daddy as he left for work after a two week sick break and the morning went pretty normal, we ate poached eggs and then washed our hands and mouk wanted to read her book on her own.
I was washing the dishes we just made when she brought me one of the flaps from her 'flip and learn' book with a proud look on her face, I told her she was being naughty and it wasn't long before most of the flaps were on the ground.
The cat kept trying to eat the fish and walking all over the kitchen bench.
The child kept peeing on the ground.
She was drawing on her tongue with a texta. 
Hitting the cat.
All I wanted was to sit down, I felt like a bad mum. I know everyone has bad days, probably worse than this one. Two more years until she can go to school, three before she goes full-time. 
I cant help but fantasise about where I'd be if she was never born, but truth is all my motivation for a better life was born with her. I'd be stuck in a dead-end job, probably living with my parents and partying with my friends every weekend, blowing what money I had left and then just waiting until pay-day to do it all again.
I know I'm a good mum.
I feed my daughter vegetables.
She is learning so much.
I never left her in a play pen so I could do whatever I wanted. 
I toilet trained her and didn't freak out about all the accidents and give up.
She's always clean.
She's healthy.
Everyone is impressed with how well behaved she is. 

Positive thoughts work, but doing something about it works better.
I cleaned the kitchen, mouk 'helped' wipe the cupboards. We got leftover Shepard's pie out of the freezer for lunch. 
And then we went to the park. Yeah I can hear my mother now "you're rewarding her bad behaviour" blah blah, bored kids play up. We had a good time at the park but came home soon after cause she was tired. Nap time is the best time, I'll have lunch, fold the laundry and then relax. Nap time lasted until I was just about done with the laundry. So I gave her lunch; which she spat out and wiped her tongue on a flannel "gross" she says. I know she really didn't hate it, she had it for dinner the other day but you've just gotta pick your battles on a day like this. I made her a cheesie. She tried to pick all the tomatoes and basil from our vegetable garden while I hung the washing. 
We went inside and made a Raspberry Breakfast Loaf and now she's finally decided to have a nap. But it's 4:45pm so we're gonna have a long night ahead of us. I'm making simple marinated steak and roast veggies for dinner and I'm gonna binge watch reality tv as soon as the little one is in bed.

I've come to accept that not every day is going to be good, when we had bad days before I would just write it off and give up. I'd sit on the lounge and let her trash the house but I stay a lot more sane when I keep going. And I keep her busy which i obviously a plus. 

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